Personal Trainer Quotes — 35 Best Motivational & Funny Sayings

Some of the funniest personal trainer quotes come from the industry’s big personalities. Trainers aren’t exactly known for mincing their words so it stands to reason that they often come out with classic statements.

So, whether you’re looking for fitness quotes to use in your marketing or just a little motivation for your workout, we’ve got you covered…

In this article – we share 35 of the best personal trainer quotes to inspire and motivate your fitness efforts.

Funny Personal Trainer Sayings

Here are some of our favourite personal trainer quotes that are both funny and weirdly true…

  • Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going! – Jillian Michaels
  • Life has its ups and downs. We call them squats.
  • Sore? Tired? Out of breath? Good… it’s working.
  • I’m always weirdly proud when my pee is clear…
  • Sweat is your fat crying.
  • If that dog is fat you’re not getting enough exercise.
  • The only BS I need in my life is burpees and squats.

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Motivational Fitness Quotes

There are plenty of personal trainer motivation techniques that you can employ in the gym. But sometimes a well-chosen phrase is all it takes to help people believe in their abilities. Here are a few quotes that you can use…

  • What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up.
  • We don’t need to be perfect… we just need to get started.
  • A one-hour workout is 4% of your day.
  • Shift the focus from what your body looks like to what it can do.
  • Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done.
  • Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.
  • Each day is another chance to change your life.
  • I don’t feel like I have to go to the gym – I feel like I get to go to the gym. – Kayla Itsines
  • It never gets easier. You just get better at it.
  • The same voice that says “give up” can also be trained to say “keep going”.
  • Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
  • It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.
  • You can’t out-train a bad diet.
  • It’s not until you get tired that you see how strong you really are. – Shaun T
Motivational Quote

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Famous Personal Trainer Sayings

Here are some of the most famous trainer quotes from celebrity coaches…

  • Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you have got a kingdom. – Jack Lalanne.
  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable! – Jillian Michaels
  • Just remember the letter ‘S’: salads, stir fries, scrambles, soups, smoothies and sushi. You can’t go wrong with the letter ‘S’. – Harley Pasternak
  • Aging is for people who don’t know any better. – Tony Horton
  • Why are you stopping? You think I can’t see you? – Shaun T
Inspirational Post

You might also like… 75 Funny & Inspiring Fitness Quotes to Motivate Your Clients.

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Personal Training Philosophy Quotes

Sometimes it’s not just our clients who need motivating – we need a little nudge ourselves. Here are some quotes for trainers that can help them become better in their role.

  • A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul. – Jillian Michaels
  • Don’t say ‘I can’t’, say ‘I presently struggle with’. – Tony Horton
  • The biggest shifts in business come from working on yourself. – Simon Lovell
  • I’m proud to be someone who empowers other women to do well. – Kayla Itsines
  • Combine your natural ability with a mission to help people and you will have a rich, fulfilling life. – Bryan Krahn
  • When it comes to weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance, it’s calories in, calories out. When it comes to looking good, ageing well, being healthy, fighting disease, boosting immunity across the board, that’s where the quality of your food is relevant. – Jillian Michaels
  • I’m more focused on recovery and have come to appreciate its significance in my physical journey. – Alice Livening
  • I work as much or more so on speed, balance, range of motion and flexibility than I do just lifting weights and doing cardio. Because that’s what keeps me young at 64 – that variety. – Tony Horton
  • The most important thing in life is to try and inspire people so they can be great in whatever they choose to do. – Kobe Bryant

You might also like… 75 Health & Wellness Quotes & Captions for Social Media.

So, there you have 35 of the best fitness and gym trainer quotes that you can use in your own PT business. Add them to social media posts, use them with clients, or remind yourself if you’re ever feeling demotivated.

Have some suggestions for other personal trainer quotes we should include? Get in touch to let us know…

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If you don’t have time to create PT quotes for Instagram, then our social media kits can help. They make it easy to drive leads, engagement, and loyalty for your health and fitness business.

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Ideal for busy personal trainers and fitness bloggers, they enable you to benefit from our marketing agency expertise for a fraction of the usual cost. The ready-made social posts save you time and effort.

Funny Motivational Personal Trainer Quotes

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