Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Review 2023

Sydney Kaiser

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Last Updated: September 7, 2023

Xterra Fitness creates a wide variety of fitness equipment. When it comes to treadmills, they manufacture simple-to-use, folding models that vary in size and price. One of their more affordable, lower-end models is the TRX1000. This treadmill is a part of their compact series and with its size and weight, it can be used in most home spaces, including upper-level floors. The deck also folds up to save you some room when you’re not using it. It’s affordable at well under $1000, so if you’re looking for a budget treadmill, this might be the one for you. Before you make that decision though, let’s jump into the full Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill review.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Review

The Xterra TRX1000 is a very compact treadmill.

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Why You Should Trust Our Review Of The Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill

Whenever you read one of our treadmill reviews, you can trust that we’ve spent extensive time using the treadmill being reviewed. Whenever we get a new treadmill in our studio, our team takes it through a series of tests where we use all of the components and features, and then we walk, jog, run, skip, etc. on the deck listening to the motor, foot noise, while paying attention to how the motor adjusts and responds to use. Our goal is to help give you insight into how a treadmill performs so you can decide if it’s for you.

We also like to compare models to others we have on hand. We’ve been doing this for a long time so we have several treadmills. When testing the Xterra TRX1000, we compared it to the Horizon T101, Redliro 2-In-1, and WalkingPad R2 2-In-1, among others.


  • This treadmill is affordable and lightweight to use in most home spaces.
  • It’s compact and the deck folds up to save room when you’re not using it.
  • The 2.25 HP motor is good for walking and light jogging.
  • The LCD display offers 12 onboard workout programs for structured training and a rack for your device for entertainment.
  • The frame feels sturdy for the price and is backed by a lifetime warranty.
  • This treadmill is good for upper-level floors because it only weighs around 100 lbs.


  • The manual incline doesn’t offer a noticeable incline range.
  • Some users might be unable to jog and run on the deck because it is only 50” long.
  • This isn’t best for heavy training.


  • 5” LCD Silver Non-Backlit Display
  • 12 Preset Workout Programs and Manual Mode
  • Metrics Displayed: Time, Program, Speed, Distance, Calories, and Pulse
  • Quick-Adjusting Buttons
  • Pulse Grips
  • Device Rack
  • 2 Cupholders
  • No Fan
  • 2 Transportation Wheels
  • Manual Folding Deck
  • Footprint: 64” L x 29.5” W x 51” H
  • Motor: 2.25 HP Motor
  • Treadmill Weight: 103.6 lbs
  • Weight Capacity: 250 lbs
  • Deck Size: 16” x 50”
  • 3 Levels of Manual Incline
  • Speed Range: 0.5-10 mph
  • Step Up Height: 5”
  • Warranty: Lifetime frame, 1-year motor, and 90-day deck, parts, and in-home labor

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Review

In-depth Review of Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill

Preprogrammed Workouts

What’s nice about most treadmills in this price range, is that they are simple to use. While high-end treadmills include touch screens with subscription training content, most budget treadmills come with standard onboard workouts and metrics tracking that’s included without an additional monthly fee.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Workout Programs

The Xterra TRX1000 comes with 12 onboard workout programs.

You can access them by using the “Program” button on the console. On either side of the console are images with charts that demonstrate the intensity of each program. These programs have preset speed levels for the treadmill to automatically adjust to while you workout. You can customize the time spent during each workout.

They’re simple, easy to use and follow, and similar to workout programs found on commercial treadmills in public gyms – nothing fancy, but helpful to have. There is also a manual mode for you to hop on and adjust the treadmill yourself.


Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Console

The console is a non-backlit 5” LCD screen that is built into the top.

It might be too small for some people, but for most, it works just fine. Since it isn’t backlit, it is harder to see in lower light, so keep this in mind. I can see the program selected and metrics such as my time, distance, treadmill speed, calories, and heart rate on the screen just fine with overhead lighting. All of this tracking is pretty standard. For heart rate tracking, there are pulse grips on the side handles that you have to hold to read your pulse. It isn’t the most accurate. Keep in mind that there aren’t Bluetooth capabilities on the TRX1000, so you can’t connect a monitor or any apps.

The console has good usability with the numbered speed buttons. These are helpful for adjusting the treadmill’s speed more quickly and efficiently. All speed levels from 1 up to 9 mph are included, too. 10 mph isn’t included but most people probably won’t use the treadmill at its max, and shouldn’t for too long – I’ll get into this more later.

Overall, the console is pretty easy to use with just enough buttons to make it straightforward and intuitive.

The console doesn’t include a fan, so you’ll have to plug in your own, but it has 2 cupholders for your water and another item, as well as a device rack to set your phone or tablet for streaming your own content. That way, you can read or watch whatever you want. The cupholders aren’t very deep, so they might not hold a large water bottle, though.

The console is pretty low because this is a compact treadmill, so taller users will be looking down to read their workout metrics. With this short height though, you could just set the Xterra TRX1000 in front of a TV when using it.

Construction Quality / Durability

With how lightweight and compact the Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill is, we were a little unsure of its overall durability. This treadmill only weighs 103 lbs. It’s not quite as beefy as the Horizon T101 which is similar in price, but it’s a bit more compact than the T101. For its size and weight, the TRX1000 handles up to 250 lbs which is a nice limit considering these factors. I don’t recommend the TRX1000 for users over this limit.


Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Construction

The TRX1000 has a standard steel frame that is positioned under the front of the deck, and two steel uprights that extend up to hold the console.

For entry-level budget treadmills like this one, we like to see an additional steel crossbar mounted in between the uprights below the console. I think this probably would help add some extra stability to the TRX1000, but we found it to be pretty solid without one.

The side and front handles are minimal and short, so this treadmill might not be best for seniors or those with balance problems. For treadmills of this size though, they’re pretty standard and within reach when you need them.


With its small stature, the TRX1000 has a surprisingly large motor. The motor is 2.25 HP which we consider to be best for mainly walking and light jogging. With how this motor performs, we suggest it for a few miles of use per day. I wouldn’t use it for long distances or over long periods of time because it isn’t built for that, and heavy use could affect its durability long term.

The speed does go up to 10 mph which is a significant pace for most people. While it can go up to this speed, I would only use it at higher speeds of 8-10 mph for short periods of say interval training. Larger treadmill motor sizes of 3.5-4.0 HP are better for longer use at higher speeds, in comparison. Treadmills with these motor sizes are significantly higher in price than the Xterra, too.


The deck is what makes this treadmill so compact. It is just 16” wide and 50” long. This width is closer in size to some under-desk treadmills that we’ve tested. It doesn’t feel excessively narrow, but it might take some getting used to, especially if you want to jog or run. I didn’t find myself looking down at my feet to make sure I was staying centered on the deck, however. With the length being only 50” long, users with long stride lengths probably won’t be able to run, but should have enough room to walk and slowly jog. I am 5’1” and I can jog and run on the deck, although I have a fairly short stride length.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Matt Walking

Our tallest reviewer, Matt, is 6’5” and he can only walk on the deck.

This deck is similar in size to the WalkingPad R2, which I’m able to use at the full 7.5 mph, which is around the max speed I can use the TRX1000 at. I don’t quite have enough room to open my stride for 9-10 mph. So, just keep this in mind if you’re looking for a treadmill for running. The Xterra’s deck sits up higher instead of on the ground, like the R2. The TRX1000 has a step up of 5”, but it still should work for most ceiling heights since it still is pretty low to the floor.

The deck cushioning feels firm without much give in the deck under each footfall. We didn’t expect a highly cushioned deck like other premium models, but it feels more forgiving than 2-in-1 treadmills like the Redliro and WalkingPad R2. The Horizon T101 has softer cushioning, but also has a larger deck and higher step-up height, in comparison.

Performance & Functionality

The Xterra TRX1000 is a budget-friendly treadmill that’s compact, folding, and lightweight. While using it, we were fairly impressed with how it performed for us. It remained stable and pretty quiet, so we think this treadmill is suitable for most home spaces. It’s definitely a good option if you’re looking for a compact treadmill for walking and jogging.

Of course, the Xterra is a motorized treadmill, so it does generate noise, but we didn’t find it to be excessively loud. I could see myself being able to use this treadmill at a walking pace in my 4th-floor apartment without disrupting my neighbors too much. Of course, if you live in a shared space like an apartment or condo, I would check with your neighbors and in your lease (if applicable) to be sure a treadmill of any size would be appropriate.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Walking Feet

The TRX1000 has a manual incline feature at the backend of the deck, however, its range isn’t noticeable.

There are 3 notches on either side of the back end of the deck to put a pin lock in to change the grade. When you’re on the deck though, the grade isn’t noticeable at any of the levels. The deck just feels like a flat 0% grade. We assume that the full incline adjusts the deck to potentially a 0.5% grade if that. So, if you’re looking for a treadmill with an actual incline range, I’d check out the Horizon T101.

Despite what it says on the product description page on Xterra’s website, the folding deck is manual. There isn’t a lift assist that helps you lift the deck and allows it to slowly lower to the floor on its own when unlocked from the folding position. Instead, a pin lock on the left side of the deck, when pulled, unlocks the deck for you to lower it to the floor when unfolding. If you were to pull the pin and not hold onto the deck, it would come crashing to the floor to potentially hurt you and/or damage your floor. Since the Xterra TRX1000 is a lightweight treadmill, most people will be able to lift and lower the deck, however, if you have mobility or lifting constrictions, you might not be able to utilize the folding feature.

The same is true for the manual incline since it requires bending and kneeling down and slightly lifting the deck to adjust, similar to what folding the deck requires. So, keep this in mind. There are two front transportation wheels to move the Xterra when you need to.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Moving

It just requires being tipped back when folded to engage the wheels, but most people should be able to move it around when needed.


Xterra Fitness includes an impressive lifetime warranty for the frame. For a budget treadmill, this is really nice to see. It also comes with a 1-year motor warranty, and a 90-day warranty for the deck, parts, and in-home labor.

Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill Review

Bottom Line Review: Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill

The Xterra TRX1000 Treadmill is compact, lightweight, and foldable. This is a good option if you’re looking for a small budget treadmill to use in your home, especially on an upper-level floor. We’re impressed with its motor size and fairly quiet noise output, as well as its overall stability and performance. While this treadmill isn’t appropriate for heavy training and use for several hours per day, it should be good for light to moderate walking and some jogging. If you have a short stride length, you might be able to run at a higher speed, too. The TRX1000 is an easy-to-use treadmill with a manual folding deck. Its manual incline feature isn’t noticeable but for walking and jogging at a flat grade, it gets the job done without taking up much space in your home.

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