2024 Personal Training Trends & What’s Driving Them

Tapping into personal training trends can be a fantastic way to accelerate your business growth. They provide you with an actionable way to get ahead of the competition and differentiate yourself from the crowd. Knowing which trends are taking off allows you to tap into them early and ride their wave from the start.

In this article – we outline current trends in personal training and what’s driving their popularity.

We’ve spent 15+ years working in the fitness industry, from leading gym chains to global equipment manufacturers, so know the market inside-out. We proactively study the ever-changing landscape, highlight new trends, and analyse the big players, so that you don’t have to. For the last 5 years, we’ve shared this expertise with the wider industry through our Research Reports which are available to purchase.

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Key Trends in Personal Training

The top personal training trends for 2024 are…

  1. Virtual training and online coaching
  2. Wearable technology
  3. Functional fitness and movement training
  4. Group personal training
  5. Holistic and integrative wellness programs
  6. Specialized training programs
  7. Hybrid training models
Personal Training Industry Trends List 2024

Let’s look at what’s driving each of these trends and how you can take full advantage in your personal training business.

1. Virtual Training & Online Coaching

The shift to virtual personal training sessions and online coaching programs has become a significant trend in the fitness industry. It began to take hold during the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced gyms to close and made social distancing necessary. With these changes, trainers and clients alike turned to virtual solutions, discovering a new, flexible way to maintain fitness routines.

So, what’s driving this trend?

  • COVID-19 Pandemic: The global pandemic acted as a catalyst for the adoption of virtual training. As in-person interactions were limited, the personal training industry had to pivot quickly. Many personal trainers adapted by offering sessions via video conferencing tools, ensuring that clients could continue their workouts safely from home.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: One of the primary advantages of virtual training is the convenience it offers. Clients can train from anywhere, removing the need for travel and allowing for more flexible scheduling. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those with busy lifestyles or people who don’t live near a gym.
  • Technology Advancements: Advances in tech have made online training more effective and interactive. Improved video conferencing tools, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, along with fitness apps that allow for real-time feedback and progress tracking, are improving the virtual training experience. Online coaching programs that include pre-recorded workout videos, live classes, and interactive elements like Q&A sessions and progress tracking through dedicated apps.

Virtual fitness training and online coaching offer convenience and flexibility that many clients find appealing. As technology continues to advance, this trend is likely to remain popular and potentially even increase in momentum.

You might also like… Start and grow an online fitness business or how to promote online coaching.

2. Wearable Technology

Wearable technology has been the ACSM’s #1 fitness trend for the last three years running. A huge number of personal trainers vote in their survey so it’s clear that wearables have become integral to coaching clients.

Fitness trackers have rapidly gained popularity, with the wearables market growing at over 15% per year. These tools offer real-time data and personalized insights, making training more effective and engaging.

Factors driving this trend include…

  • Data-Driven Training: Wearable devices provide detailed, real-time data on various aspects of health and fitness, including heart rate, activity levels, and sleep patterns. This information enables trainers to tailor their programs to meet the specific needs of each client (e.g. adjusting the intensity of workouts based on heart rate recovery).
  • Increased Engagement: Fitness apps enhance client engagement by offering features like tracking, goal setting, and social interactions. Clients can easily monitor their progress, set new goals, and share achievements with their community, fostering a sense of accountability and motivation. Many apps also include gamified elements, such as earning badges or competing in challenges, which can make fitness more fun and engaging.
  • Personalization: The combination of wearable tech and apps enables highly personalized training plans. Trainers can use the precise metrics and progress tracking these tools provide to create bespoke workouts that adapt to the client’s evolving fitness levels and goals. This personalization not only improves the effectiveness of training but also helps clients stay committed to their fitness journey.

Personal trainers can use wearable technology to offer more effective and customized training programs. Monitoring clients’ real-time workout data and adjusting intensity on the fly opens the door to a better training experience. Helping clients access insights about their performance, recovery, and overall progress, can help keep them motivated.

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3. Functional Fitness & Movement Training

Functional fitness and movement training have become major trends in personal training. These methods emphasize movements that reflect daily activities, such as lifting, bending, and twisting, which contribute to a healthier and more resilient body. This approach helps prevent injuries and promotes longevity by strengthening muscles and joints used in everyday life.

This trend has gained traction for several reasons, including…

  • Holistic Health Approach: More clients are seeking comprehensive health and wellness solutions rather than just focusing on aesthetics. Over 40% of people consider wellness a priority in daily life.
  • Aging Population: As the population ages, there is a growing demand for fitness solutions that improve mobility, balance, and overall functionality. Functional fitness is particularly beneficial for older adults, helping them maintain independence and quality of life. Exercises that focus on core stability, joint mobility, and coordination are essential for this demographic, reducing the risk of falls and other age-related issues.
  • Sports Performance: Athletes at all levels are incorporating functional fitness into their training regimes to enhance performance in their respective sports. This type of training targets specific movement patterns and muscle groups used in sports, leading to better performance and reduced risk of sports-related injuries.

The functional fitness trend highlights the importance of training for real-life movements and overall functionality, rather than just appearance. As more people recognize the benefits of this approach, it’s likely to remain a key component of effective personal training programs.

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4. Group Personal Training

Group personal training has been on the rise for several years. It combines the personalized attention of one-on-one training with the social and motivational aspects of group exercise. Small group training sessions provide an engaging workout, making fitness more accessible and enjoyable for a wider range of clients.

The small group personal training trend is being driven by…

  • Cost-Effectiveness: One of the main appeals of group personal training is its affordability compared to traditional one-on-one sessions. By sharing the cost among several participants, clients can benefit from expert guidance at a lower price point. This cost-effective model makes personal training accessible to more people, broadening the potential client base for trainers.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Group settings naturally foster a sense of community and camaraderie. Exercising alongside others can boost motivation and adherence, as participants encourage and hold each other accountable. The social interaction and friendly competition often found in group workouts enhance the overall experience, making clients more likely to stick with their fitness routines.
  • Efficiency for Trainers: For personal trainers, group training sessions offer an efficient way to maximize their time and impact. By working with multiple clients simultaneously, trainers can reach more people and increase their earning potential without significantly increasing their workload.

Group personal training strikes a perfect balance between affordability, motivation, and efficiency, making it a popular choice for both clients and trainers. As more people seek cost-effective and engaging ways to stay fit, group personal training is set to remain a significant trend in the personal training industry.

5. Holistic & Integrative Wellness Programs

Holistic and integrative wellness programs are becoming a key trend in personal training. An increasing number of fitness professionals are expanding their services to include nutrition, mental health, and lifestyle coaching. This comprehensive approach addresses the full spectrum of a client’s health and well-being, going beyond traditional exercise routines.

So, what’s driving the holistic wellness trend?

  • Client Demand for Comprehensive Health Solutions: Holistic health is one of the top wellness trends for 2024. More clients are seeking out trainers who can provide guidance on all aspects of health, not just physical fitness. They want holistic solutions that cover nutrition, mental health, stress management, and overall lifestyle changes. 
  • Rise of Health and Wellness Awareness: There’s a growing awareness of the importance of mental health, proper nutrition, and overall well-being. Clients understand that true health extends beyond the gym and encompasses their diet, mental state, and lifestyle choices, which is driving increased demand.
  • Competitive Differentiation: In a competitive market, personal trainers who offer holistic wellness programs can stand out. This differentiation can lead to increased client retention and satisfaction, as clients feel their broader health needs are being addressed.

Holistic and integrative wellness programs represent a significant evolution in personal training. As awareness of comprehensive health solutions continues to grow, the integration of nutrition, mental health, and lifestyle coaching into personal training services is set to become an increasingly important trend.

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6. Specialized Training Programs

Specialized training programs are another popular trend in the personal training industry. They focus on customized programs for specific populations like pre and post-natal women, seniors, and athletes. These programs are tailored to address the unique needs and goals of these groups, offering targeted and effective training solutions.

The trend towards specialized fitness training is being driven by…

  • Niche Markets: There is a growing demand for specialized services that cater to specific demographics and their unique fitness requirements. 
  • Professional Expertise: Trainers who possess specialized knowledge and certifications can attract clients looking for expert guidance. These clients are often willing to pay a premium for services that meet their specific needs and provide them with confidence in their training program’s safety and effectiveness.
  • Better Results: Specialized programs are designed to address the particular needs of specific populations, often leading to better outcomes. For example, a senior-focused program might prioritize fall prevention and strength building, while a program for athletes might focus on enhancing agility and power. These targeted results lead to higher client satisfaction and retention, as clients see noticeable improvements in their areas of concern.

As demand for niche services continues to grow, trainers with specialized expertise can attract clients seeking customized guidance and support. By delivering targeted and effective programs, trainers can achieve better results for their clients, leading to higher satisfaction and long-term retention.

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7. Hybrid Training Models

Hybrid training models, which combine in-person and online personal training, have also become increasingly popular. This approach offers clients the flexibility to choose between face-to-face sessions and virtual workouts, or a combination of both.

The popularity of hybrid fitness training is being driven by…

  • Flexibility and Convenience: Fitness consumers increasingly want flexibility and convenience. Hybrid training offers a practical solution that combines the best of in-person sessions and virtual workouts.
  • Broader Reach: By incorporating online training into their services, personal trainers can attract clients from beyond their immediate geographic area. This expands their potential client base and allows them to work with individuals who may not have access to specialized training locally.
  • Enhanced Support: Hybrid models enable trainers to offer continuous support, whether clients are working out at home or in the gym. Trainers can use video calls, fitness apps, and online platforms to provide feedback, adjust workouts, and keep clients motivated. This ongoing support helps clients achieve their fitness goals more effectively.

Hybrid training models offer a versatile approach to personal training that meets the needs of modern clients. By combining the benefits of in-person sessions with the convenience of online coaching, trainers can provide flexible, comprehensive support. As the fitness industry continues to evolve, hybrid training is likely to remain popular, offering the best of both worlds for clients and trainers alike.

Have you noticed any other trends in personal training? We’d love to hear your thoughts, use the contact form to let us know… Or read more about the latest fitness industry insights and analysis.

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