Bowflex Treadmill 22 Review: Built for Endurance


The Bowflex Treadmill 22 is one massive treadmill. Its dimensions are 85″ L x 39.6″ W x 70″ H. If you are looking for a sturdy treadmill, you have found one. You will want to give the Treadmill 22 plenty of space. It is heavy and impractical to move often.

Because the Bowflex Treadmill 22 has a high incline, you will also want to have an adequate ceiling height for training. We recommend that 6’0” tall runners have at least a 9’ ceiling to accommodate the Bowflex Treadmill 22.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Motor Hood and Rollers

Instead of the top of the belt being concealed under the motor hood, the front rollers are in view just behind the motor hood.

When folded, the Bowflex Treadmill 22’s dimensions are only 44.5″ L x 39.6″ W x 70″ H. The Bowflex T22 also has a hydraulic assist built into it for the folding feature, unlike these ProForm treadmills, thankfully. I’m not a big fan of manual folding decks. You get some assistance from this feature when you lift the T22’s deck, and when it’s unlocked, the deck slowly lowers itself.

There is a small gap between the belt and the motor hood, which allows the deck to hinge when it’s inclined, declined, and folded up. Instead of the motor hood staying flush with the deck, there is a small separation between the two. So, when the deck is at an incline, the deck raises higher than the motor hood, and when it’s folded, the motor remains parallel to the floor.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Folded

Considering how large the Bowflex Treadmill 22 is, it folds up to be pretty compact.

There is a small red handle that you must pull to lift and lower the deck. It’s positioned underneath the bottom of the back of the deck.

One thing to keep in mind when you’re folding the Treadmill 22 is that the deck must be fully declined to -5% in order for the deck to fold all the way up.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Woman Decline Walking

This is what the deck looks like when fully declined.

You can fold it at 0%, but it doesn’t fold up to be as compact as when the deck is declined. The manual also states that the deck should be fully declined when folding it. So, this is something to remember when you’re done using the treadmill.

Other treadmills only fold at a flat grade, so this was a little bit of an adjustment for us. I still have to remember to decline it when I’m done since I usually end my workouts with a flat grade.

The Bowflex T22 has transportation wheels, so when it’s folded you can tip it back towards yourself to engage these. Even though it does fold and can be moved, it’s large and heavy so it isn’t exactly easy to move. Some users might want to keep this treadmill in the same space they’re going to use it, in order to not have to deal with moving it often.

Onboard Workouts & Apps

JRNY Overview

Something to keep in mind with fitness equipment nowadays is that many come with subscription content. This is especially true if the equipment has an attached touch screen. The Bowflex Treadmill 22 has a touch screen and comes enabled with JRNY.

Before I dive into what JRNY has to offer, I’m going to answer the burning question: Will this treadmill work without a subscription to JRNY? Yes, yes, it will. I’ll go over what is available without a subscription in a moment, but first, let’s talk about JRNY.

JRNY is a fitness platform that offers trainer-led content, outdoor-filmed content, and app streaming. There are also preprogrammed workouts called “adaptive workouts” that are personalized to you. When you start using JRNY, you’ll take a fitness assessment that gauges your fitness level and gives you a burn rate.

The burn rate is the number of calories your body burns per minute. When taking adaptive workouts, you’ll see the burn rate on the bottom left side of the screen. It is a scale with a target range for you to work to stay in. Once your fitness progresses, the workouts will shift to adapt to you, and your burn rate range will change.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Console Workout Class

JRNY’s trainer-led classes are on-demand to take whenever and feature different instructors who guide you through the workouts.

They’re filmed indoors to replicate a studio class experience. These classes aren’t quite like Peloton; they aren’t live, and they don’t feature a leaderboard to compete against other members. They are in different disciplines like treadmill walking and running, cycling, yoga, and strength.

For trainer-led classes, we prefer iFit and Peloton, but JRNY is appealing because it offers more of a range of content compared to these other platforms.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Outdoor Workout

Outdoor workouts on the Bowflex Treadmill 22.

These are scenic routes that go through different locations around the world. A camera guides you through each location to make it feel like you’re there in person running. The camera will even slow down and speed up when you do. These workouts don’t feature an instructor, but some of them offer voice guidance if you want some structure to your workout.

Finally, my favorite aspect of JRNY is that it allows you to stream from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, and Disney+.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Preloaded Apps

These apps are pre-downloaded in JRNY, so all you need to do is log into your respective accounts for each and start watching your favorite movies and tv shows.

Fitness platforms like Peloton and iFit don’t have this feature, so if you want to watch a Netflix show on your treadmill, you have to use your own device or put the treadmill in front of your TV.

On the Bowflex T22, you can watch your favorite show straight from the treadmill’s 22” touch screen. The picture quality isn’t as clear and crisp as your high-definition television, but it displays the shows and your workout metrics just fine.

JRNY also has preselected playlists of different genre music stations to listen to while you use the T22. This music aspect isn’t our favorite, but it’s a nice feature to have. The music can play during trainer-led classes, adaptive workouts, and explore-the-world workouts. We wish the trainer-led classes had specific music that you can listen to with the instructor.

With this amount of variety to choose from on the Treadmill 22, we definitely think JRNY is worth it. When you purchase this Bowflex Treadmill, a free year subscription to JRNY is included so we highly recommend taking advantage of this.

Onboard Workouts

Okay, so what do you get if you don’t subscribe to JRNY? Onboard workouts. There are some onboard workout programs and a manual mode that you can use without a subscription to JRNY. Metrics like your time, speed, calories, heart rate, distance, and pace are displayed in all of these workout programs.

The workout programs include 5k distance, 8-minute intervals, 16-minute intervals, endurance, stairs, strength, heart health, fat burn, and calorie burn. Each program has preset speeds and inclines for you to follow. There are also a few Explore The World videos you can take to explore places like Zion National Park while you run.

We appreciate that Bowflex includes some onboard workouts outside of JRNY because not every user is interested in subscription content.


The console on the T22 primarily consists of the touchscreen. However, it has some other features that I’ll get into. The screen is a large 22” touch screen. It sits pretty high up, so you don’t have to look down too much.

As far as adjustability, the screen can be tilted up and down. It doesn’t pivot to either side, though, like the NordicTrack 2450. So, if you want to use JRNY to take workouts off the treadmill, you’ll have to set your mat behind the deck rather than next to it.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Console

Maybe it’s the chrome accents on the treadmill, but the console reminds me of a control panel on a spaceship.

When I’m using the T22, it feels like there’s a lot going on, even though there aren’t that many adjustment buttons. I actually really like this console, but I wish there were a few more quick adjustment buttons for the speed and incline.

There aren’t buttons for every level of speed and grade, so I find I have to use the side and handle buttons to get to specific increments. These buttons are above the cup holders, in the middle of the console, so they’re easy to reach, though.

As for the other adjustment buttons, you have your start and stop, as well as speed buttons on the right handle, along with pulse grips and another switch for the speed on the right side handles. The buttons on the left side adjust the incline and decline of the deck.

The switches on the side handles seem a little sticky; it sometimes takes multiple pressings for the treadmill to adjust using these buttons. It’s nice to have different places to adjust the treadmill, though.

We’re impressed with how much storage is available on the Treadmill 22. It’s like the Honda Odyssey Mini Van of treadmills because of the number of cupholders it has. There are 2 large ones by the safety key, and two more in the storage tray below the console. So, you should be able to stay well hydrated.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Device Holder

If you want to use your device, there’s a rack for it and you can even connect to apps like Zwift.

Below the speakers, which work well and project right at you, there is a textured surface to place your device, or you could put it in the two shallow pockets on either side of the console.
Your phone might only fit in these shallow pockets, though.

Circling back to the speakers, you can only adjust them on the screen, unfortunately. There are buttons on the back of the screen to adjust the volume, as well as turn the screen on and off, but since they’re together on the back of the screen, it’s hard to determine which one is which.

So, for the volume, I just use the settings on the screen. From there, I can adjust the trainer’s voice, notification beeps on the treadmill, and master volume. The speakers are loud, so you should hear your show over the sound of the treadmill.

The fan is tiny! But let me tell you, it’s actually pretty powerful and it adjusts so you can position the air to hit you at different heights. It has multiple speed settings for the airflow, too. I was really surprised by the fan.

Overall, the console feels very stable. The screen does not move when you run.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Storage

I think the added steel bar that the storage tray sits on likely helps make the console stay steady.

So, even though it might not look as streamlined as other treadmills like the Peloton Tread or NordicTrack 2450, it’s functional and has more storage capacity.

The console is also Bluetooth-enabled to pair with your headphones. The Bowflex T22 comes with a heart rate armband that connects so you can see your heart rate on the screen. This is really helpful and appreciated since many brands sell heart rate monitors separately.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Heart Rate Monitor

Even though the T22 has pulse grips, we recommend using the armband for more accurate heart rate tracking.

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Build Quality

I have to say, I like the construction and overall I’m impressed. I have a few small gripes that I’ll point out, but this treadmill has so far exceeded the expectations I had of it prior to using it.


So, one thing about the Bowflex Treadmill 22 is that it’s pretty heavy. It weighs 336 lbs, so it definitely isn’t a small treadmill. In fact, it’s pretty large and longer than the other models we tested it with. It does fold up to save a lot of space though (more on this later).

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Frame

Like other models, the Bowflex has a steel frame.

It also has some chrome-plated accents that give it a unique, futuristic look. Another unique aspect is the uprights. Each upright has two pieces that form a triangle with the frame at the base. Triangles are said to be the strongest shape.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Frame Design

When you’re running on the T22, it feels incredibly durable and solid so this is an effective design on Bowflex’s part.

Along with its large size and weight, the T22 can support a significant amount of weight, too. It handles up to 400 lbs, which is typically the highest weight capacity we see on motorized treadmills.

The uprights extend up from the frame to the console to hold it in place. The side handles extend out from there to offer balance assistance when you need it. The side handles aren’t the longest, but they’re sufficient for balance. They have a textured design to help keep your hands from slipping.

There are also smaller handles that have pulse grips (as I mentioned earlier), as well as upper handles that extend up near the screen. These handles have a different texture that feels sticky without actually being sticky.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Handle Options

I like all the handles, and they are all functional.


The Treadmill 22 has a pretty powerful motor. It is said to be 4.0 HP. The motor size isn’t mentioned on Bowflex’s website, but we researched and tested it against treadmills with this motor size and feel that this is accurate.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Woman Running

The motor handled everything our team threw at it.

From use at its max 12 mph speed to our reviewers using it one after the other, it feels hearty and capable of handling a lot of use. So, if you’re looking to run a marathon on this thing, go right ahead. Or, if you want a treadmill to share with the family, this is one to consider.

The motor is also very quiet. It’s not silent of course, because no treadmill is really, but it generates a lower amount of sound than others. I would say it’s comparable to NordicTrack and Sole treadmills.

Even the incline and decline are extremely quiet. It reminds me of Sole treadmills which barely generate sound over the general noise of the motor when they’re inclining. I have to look at the deck to see if it’s inclining or declining on the T22, it’s that quiet!

The Bowflex Treadmill 22 has an impressive incline and decline range. The deck inclines up to 20% and declines to -5%, which is the highest range we’ve seen on a folding treadmill.

In comparison, the Peloton Tread inclines up to 12.5%, and the Sole F85 inclines up to 15%. The T22 doesn’t incline as high as the NordicTrack Incline Trainers, like the X22i, which goes up to 40%, but 20% is certainly challenging! For safety, the T22 tops out at a max speed of 8 mph when you’re at the full 20% incline.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Man Incline Walking

Even just walking at the 20% incline is difficult!


The deck is a considerable size at 22” wide and 60” long.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Running Surface

In our testing, 60” is the length we’ve determined as appropriate for most stride lengths.

So, most users should be able to walk, jog, hike, run, and sprint on the deck. Plus, the 22” of width provides plenty of room during your workouts. It’s the same size as the NordicTrack X22i and Sole F85. It’s wider than the Peloton Tread.

The cushioning surprised me. It feels pretty firm underfoot and comparable to Sole treadmills and the Peloton Tread. I wish it was a little softer, though. It provides shock absorption, certainly more than concrete, which offers none.

However, if you have joint issues, you might want to look into a treadmill with more forgiving cushioning, like NordicTrack’s Incline Treadmills and Commercial Series.

With that said, the foot noise is pretty quiet on the Bowflex and I didn’t feel any discomfort in my ankles as I do on other models with firm cushioning.
The belt texture is nice and doesn’t feel slippery.

Bowflex Treadmill 22 Side Rails

The chrome-plated side rails have me a little nervous that they could dent over time, especially if you like to hop on the side rails while doing running intervals.

Should You Buy the Bowflex Treadmill 22

Overall, the Bowflex Treadmill 22 is what we expected and more. We expected a treadmill that offers a high incline and decline range and a JRNY subscription that folds up when you’re finished. What we found is that in addition to this, the T22 is very quiet and feels like a tank. It’s stable, and we deem it appropriate for households with a lot of use and multi-use.

The Treadmill 22 offers a 20% incline and -5% decline, a 22” touch screen that streams Netflix, AND it folds up. These are very impressive features, and if you want to maximize your treadmill experience, the Treadmill 22 is a great option.

If you are okay with the firm running deck and the large dimensions of the Treadmill 22, it’s worth your consideration.

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Bowflex Treadmill 22 Q&A / FAQ

Can you use the Bowflex Treadmill 22 without a subscription?

You can train with the Treadmill 22 without a JRNY subscription. Your access to features will vary depending on whether you have a WiFi connection. The Treadmill 22 can be used in manual mode with or without WiFi.

What is the difference between the Bowflex Treadmill 10 and 22?

The Treadmill 10 and the Treadmill 22 differ in their screen size and their incline ranges. While the Treadmill 22 inclines to 20%, the Treadmill 10 only inclines to 15%. The Treadmill 22 and Treadmill 10 are named for their screen sizes: 22 inches and 10 inches, respectively. Otherwise, they offer similar features and builds that support walking and running.

How much does the Bowflex Treadmill 22 weigh?

The Bowflex Treadmill 22 weighs 336 lbs. It is not easy to move and needs a dedicated space. If you need to relocate the Treadmill 22, you may need to enlist the help of one or two other people to help you.

How long do Bowflex treadmills last?

We have seen treadmills frequently last 10 to 15 years. While we would expect most treadmills to last this long, that is only with proper use and care. A number of different issues can limit the longevity of a treadmill. Some of the main mistakes include not keeping up with the treadmill’s maintenance schedule, storing the treadmill in the garage, and using the treadmill commercially when it is designed only for residential use.

Can I watch Netflix on the Bowflex Treadmill 22?

Yes! You can watch Netflix and other streaming services on the Bowflex Treadmill 22 when you have an active JRNY subscription. You will need your own login information for Netflix and any other apps you wish to use.

Is your Bowflex Treadmill 22 review a paid review?

We are not paid for our treadmill reviews. Many of the brands we work with send us treadmills for free. Occasionally, we purchase treadmills and other products ourselves after receiving requests from our audience.

Brands do not influence our opinions or review process beyond their willingness to send products to us. That helps keep our reviews honest and fair across the variety of brands we review–NordicTrack, Bowflex, ProForm, Horizon, Sole, and more.

So how do we keep the lights on?

We receive an affiliate commission when you use the links on our pages to make your treadmill purchase. This does not increase the cost for you, so it is a mutually beneficial arrangement for us and our audience. We appreciate your support and hope you return to our website when you are in the market for another piece of equipment to add to your home gym.

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