Peloton Tread vs NordicTrack 2450: And The Winner Is…


These treadmills are heavy and hold up to 300 lbs. The 2450 weighs a little more than the Peloton Tread at 353 lbs vs 290 lbs, but the deck on the NordicTrack folds up when not in use. The Peloton does not.

NordicTrack 2450 folded and moving

Having a folding treadmill, like the 2450, is majorly convenient if you’re short on space and need to store your treadmill.

When folded, the 2450 can be moved by tilting the deck back to engage the transport wheels. It’s pretty easy to move. The Peloton Tread requires lifting the back of the deck to engage the wheels and move. With the Tread, we recommend having a designated space for it to stay put.

Peloton Tread vs NordicTrack 2450 Woman Running

Although it doesn’t fold, the Peloton Tread has a slightly smaller footprint than the NordicTrack (when it’s unfolded).

Onboard Workouts & Apps

Both of these treadmills come with large attached touch screens. To access all of the content on the screen, you need to pay for a monthly subscription. The subscription that you’re paying for on the NordicTrack 2450 is for iFIT, and you’re paying for the Peloton app on the Peloton Tread.

For subscription fitness programming, the two have a lot in common. They both offer workout classes led by instructors in a variety of disciplines that involve using the treadmill, other fitness equipment, or even just a workout mat.

If you’re not interested in using the subscription content on either treadmill, you can still use it. However, you’ll be limited to what you can do on the touch screen. Fortunately, you can take one iFIT class on the 2450. There are no onboard workouts or visibility of your metrics on the Peloton Tread without subscribing to Peloton, though.

iFit App

iFIT has a large library of classes on the NordicTrack 2450. The classes are led by over 180 instructors and offered on-demand to take whenever you want. There are classes filmed indoors in a studio setting and lots of outdoor classes filmed on every continent.

NordicTrack 2450 iFIT Workout

The outdoor classes are where iFIT really stands apart.

Whether you’re hiking up the side of a mountain in Montana or running through Switzerland, you’ll experience a very interactive, impressively filmed workout. The indoor classes are also well-filmed.

My only complaint with iFIT is that the music is a background component consisting of preselected playlists split into different genres. You can change stations throughout every class and adjust the volume to hear more of the instructor or more of the music (or neither), but the music can get a little dull at times.

Navigating the app is pretty straightforward with the search bar and filters. You can filter by duration, instructor, workout type, target area, and environment.

iFIT also has multiple series, which consist of several workouts that you can take over a period of time. These often include the same trainer and/or are in the same location. You can even take real-life events like the Boston Marathon, filmed in sections during the live race.

iFIT also has a Google Map feature that lets you create your own route anywhere on Earth. This is great if you want to train without an instructor while exploring remote areas.

Another of iFIT’s features that is one of my favorites is SmartAdjust. This is where the speed and grade adjust automatically based on the class format. The format might be from the instructor’s cues or the location’s terrain. This makes for a hands-free experience on the NordicTrack 2450, but you can, of course, bypass this at any time and adjust the treadmill however you need.

Peloton App

The Peloton App features live and on-demand classes led by their engaging and fun instructors. You might also know names like Cody Rigsby and Robin Arzon. Peloton’s classes are filmed indoors in professional studios, but there are some outdoor classes filmed in various locations, like New Mexico.

Peloton Tread Studio Class

Peloton is really known for its indoor studio classes.

As far as music, Peloton nails it with curated playlists made by the class instructor. This contributes to the overall energy. When you’re picking up your pace, the song will most likely have an upbeat tempo to help encourage you to run faster. There are also series of classes that involve music from specific artists or genres.

The Peloton App has a pretty intuitive layout. There isn’t a search bar, but the filters are usually enough for me to narrow my search for a certain class.

NordicTrack 2450 vs Peloton Tread Console

The NordicTrack 2450 and Peloton Tread have similar console layouts. Both are streamlined for a clean look and feature a touchscreen. Be aware that we experience some movement and shaking of the touch screen on both of these treadmills when you’re running at higher speeds.

NordicTrack 2450 Treadmill Console

Overall, the NordicTrack 2450 has a more functional console than the Peloton Tread. Starting off, the 22″ touch screen tilts and pivots up to 360 degrees from side to side. This allows you to utilize the screen and iFIT while taking classes on and off the treadmill. This is one of my favorite features.

NordicTrack 2450 Console

Another feature that I love is the quick-touch adjustment buttons next to the screen.

On the right side, you can select a number and the treadmill will adjust the speed to that number in miles per hour. You can even press two of these buttons quickly to get to a specific speed increment. Such as, when I press 5 and 3 the treadmill goes to 5.3 mph. The left side is for adjusting the incline and decline levels by 1%.

The other control buttons are below the screen and these include start, stop, as well as up and down arrows for speed and grade adjusting. The speakers are front-facing and go plenty loud to hear iFIT’s content. There are two removable cupholders that are shallow, but they hold my water bottle still.

There is a fan mounted to the console that provides ample airflow. I’m about 5’1″ with shoes on, and it hits my face and neck. It also has multiple settings that can be adjusted on the screen or on the console.

Peloton Tread Console

The Peloton Tread comes with a 23.8″ touch screen. So, let’s say it’s around 24″. I don’t really notice the small size difference of the screens when using either treadmill. Both display the content library, metrics, and instructor on the screen clearly.

Peloton Tread console

The Peloton’s console has a lot less functionality than the 2450.

The screen on the Tread does not pivot to either side. There are very few adjustment buttons found on the console off the screen. The only button on the console is the stop button placed on the front crossbar handle above the safety key.

The other treadmill function buttons are knobs that you can roll forward or back to increase/decrease speed and incline. I like the feel of these knobs, they have a good texture, and they’re well-placed to adjust the Tread easily.

There aren’t any quick-touch buttons like on the 2450. You can, however, program three preset speed and incline levels during class to press the knob and jump to. This feature essentially does the same thing as the buttons on the 2450 but with a bit less range.

If I want to go to another speed that isn’t programmed, I have to manually adjust the treadmill using the knobs. The thought is there in this design; it just isn’t as functional as the NordicTrack. The speed can be adjusted by 0.1 increments, and the incline is adjusted by 1%.

There isn’t a fan built into the console, so if you want some airflow, you’ll need to use a separate fan. We would like to see a fan built in, especially at this price point. There is a small storage tray attached to the horizontal handle. It has two cup holders and a small tray. I can place my phone and water bottle here, and neither move while running.

The Peloton Tread also has a screen lock feature. When the treadmill is unused, the screen and treadmill lock after 10 seconds. A passcode that you create upon getting the treadmill is used to unlock the screen and deck.

Build Quality

The Peloton Tread and NordicTrack 2450 feel incredibly stable and sturdy to use.

Peloton vs NordicTrack 2450 Frame

These treadmills have steel frames and similar layouts for the uprights and handles. The steel uprights connect to the handles for a stable design. I like the handles on both of these treadmills. The side handles offer a luxurious coating to keep your hands from slipping, and the front continuous crossbar handle helps with balance.

NordicTrack 2450 vs Peloton Tread Motor

While both treadmills are suitable for walking, jogging, hiking, and running, their motors differ. The Peloton has a 3.0 HP motor, while the NordicTrack has a 3.6 HP motor. The Peloton Tread adjusts the speed quickly and evenly while remaining consistent. The 2450’s motor adjusts the treadmill evenly as well.

Generally, 3.0 HP motors are on the low end for treadmills we recommend for running. Even though both treadmills perform well, we’re inclined to prefer and recommend the NordicTrack’s motor, especially for long-distance runners and heavy use.

The Tread goes up to 12.5 mph, while the 2450 goes to 12 mph. The NordicTrack offers more variety in your training. The deck inclines to 12% and declines to -3%. This decline range might seem small, but it makes a difference, especially when working the muscles in your legs. The Peloton Tread doesn’t decline and inclines up to 12.5%.

NordicTrack 2450 vs Peloton Tread Deck

The 2450’s impressive 60″ length provides plenty of space for a long stride or tall runner. Even though the Peloton is 1″ shorter, we don’t notice a difference, and all of our reviewers are able to use both decks without feeling constricted.

NordicTrack 2450 deck

This wide deck on the NordicTrack can make a difference for larger users and those who like a little more space.

I use this to help center myself, and it just looks cool. The edges of the deck on both treadmills are tucked under the side rails for a clean, sleek look, which I prefer.

These two treadmills also have similar profiles. The Peloton Tread’s deck is slightly lower to the ground than the NordicTrack’s, but the difference is only an inch.

Peloton Tread deck

I do like the red line down the center of the Peloton Tread’s deck.


NordicTrack offers its standard warranty with the purchase of the 2450. This includes 10 years for the frame, 2 years for parts, and 1 year for labor. Peloton offers a less extensive warranty of 5 years for the frame, 3 years for the deck and motor, and 12 months for the screen, treadmill components, and labor.

Should You Buy the Peloton Tread or the NordicTrack 2450

The 2450 is our pick for the best treadmill for running because it offers everything a dedicated runner needs: speed, incline, deck cushioning, training options, high functionality, and a large pivoting touchscreen. Nordictrack maintains its line of treadmill excellence with the Commercial 2450.

Compared to the 2450, the Peloton Tread has a similar, sleek design but less forgiving cushioning, a smaller motor, and fewer overall training options and functionality. While we really praise Peloton for its top-notch studio content, iFIT offers more classes outdoors. Hey, if you love Peloton’s content and want a treadmill that displays it, then the Peloton Tread is the way to go.

If you want a more affordable and storage-friendly treadmill that offers more training variety and is more comfortable to run on, though, check out our recommendation: the NordicTrack Commercial 2450.

Best Price At NordicTrack

Peloton Tread vs NordicTrack 2450 Treadmill FAQ’s / Q&A’s

What treadmill is just as good as the Peloton?

In our opinion, NordicTrack treadmills are a viable alternative to Peloton. They use iFIT training content, which is filmed outdoors instead of in a studio like Peloton’s classes. Unlike the Peloton Tread, NordicTrack treadmills have more cushioning and usually have a decline option.

What is the difference between the NordicTrack and the Peloton Tread?

The NordicTrack treadmill uses iFIT training content, primarily filmed outdoors, whereas Peloton’s training content is mostly filmed indoors in a studio. Peloton’s content is centered on climbing the leaderboard and jamming to music, whereas NordicTrack’s content is centered on heart rate training and conquering the terrain replicated by the treadmill’s automatic incline.

Can you watch TV on the NordicTrack 2450?

Yes, iFIT is beta-testing support for Netflix and Prime on the NordicTrack 2450 and other compatible equipment.

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