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Manual treadmills give walkers and runners instantaneous control over their speed, allowing them to sprint as hard as they desire. Yet, the traditional blueprint for a manual treadmill has required a steeply curved belt to help runners get enough momentum and force to keep the belt turning. TrueForm improves upon this traditional design with the Trainer and the Runner.

A shallower curvature makes the TrueForm treadmills feel more natural to run on than other manual treadmills. I don’t feel like I’m running uphill as much as I do on other manual treadmills. Yet, that doesn’t make these treadmills easier. They are still very challenging, forcing you to use efficient running techniques to keep the belt moving.

TrueForm Runner vs TrueForm Trainer

The TrueForm Trainer is my recommendation for most runners and walkers. It is an excellent manual treadmill with a sturdy performance. It has the shallow curve and smooth belt movement that TrueForm promises. The TrueForm treadmills have few onboard training options, but if you are a runner with a premade training plan, you won’t need it anyway.

The TrueForm Runner is best for very heavy-duty use. The Runner might be the better option if your treadmill will see multiple hours of use every day. Additionally, go with the Runner if you need a higher weight capacity. The Runner is also the only option for runners who want a custom frame color or track/turf belt surface. It’s a high-end masterpiece of a machine.

Best Cheap Treadmills

Best Cheap Treadmills 2024 – Budget Finds for Exercise

The biggest lie told to new runners is how affordable the sport is. Even if you are a walker, things can get expensive. Regular shoe updates, a fitness tracker, exercise clothes, and more might start as minor expenses but add up over time. If you are looking for a more cost-effective treadmill than your gym membership, look no further. Buying [..]

Best Commercial Treadmills

Best Commercial Treadmills 2024: Gym Treadmills For Home

There are several differences between residential treadmills and commercial treadmills. A residential treadmill is only going to have you and maybe a roommate or family member or two on it per day. Commercial treadmills are built to handle constant foot traffic from several people throughout the day. Commercial treadmills have heavier-duty builds and more powerful motors. They’re typically larger and [..]

Best Compact Treadmills 2023

Best Compact Treadmills 2024 – Do NOT Buy Before Reading This!

Here at TRG, we walk and run on all kinds of treadmills, or as we refer to it, “treadmill testing.” Testing so many treadmills of all sizes means we can better recommend models based on our experience. Which brings us to you: you’re probably here because you need a treadmill that isn’t too large and heavy. Maybe you live in [..]

Best Folding Treadmills

Best Folding Treadmills 2024 | Top Training in Less Space

We review more folding treadmills than non-folding treadmills because they fit your home space better. If you don’t have a large permanent location to accommodate a treadmill’s full-size, these are the treadmills you’ll want to check out. One thing we’ve learned as treadmill experts is how easy it is to move a folding treadmill compared to a non-folding treadmill. There [..]

Best High End Treadmills

Best High-End Treadmills 2024 – These Are Worth The Money

Treadmills are expensive. If you’re looking to buy a premium treadmill, you’ll be paying even more, but how do you know if it’s worth its exorbitant price? Hi, it’s us, your friendly neighborhood treadmill testers. We’re here to help you find your perfect treadmill. We take exercising seriously and want you to buy a treadmill that fits your training goals, [..]

Best Home Gym Flooring

Best Home Gym Flooring, 2024 – Protect Your Space

Vinyl, tile, carpet, and hardwood flooring have nothing on rubber when it comes to creating your ideal home gym. I’ve worked out in so many places, and I can’t stand the slippery feeling of sweat on tile or clinging of carpet fuzz to my hands. I much prefer rubber floors for a little shock absorption for any high-impact training and [..]

Best Incline Treadmills

Best Incline Treadmill 2024 – The View Is Worth It

Using a treadmill at an incline has tremendous benefits. You will activate more muscles than using the treadmill at a flat grade and improve your overall fitness in the process. Walking on an incline can elevate your heart rate and aid in fat loss. With all kinds of treadmills on the market that offer a range of features and different [..]

Best Inversion Tables

Best Inversion Tables 2024: The Best One Is Obviously…

As former college athletes, runners, mountain bikers, skiers, golfers, equestrians, and general exercise enthusiasts, our team has experienced some sort of back pain over the years. It comes with the territory of many sports, but back pain can strike at any time, especially as we age. The top three inversion tables on our list below have permanent residence in our [..]

Best Keto Protein Powder

Best Keto Protein Powder, 2024: Don’t Skimp On Protein!

As a certified sports nutritionist, I take protein seriously. Some people are coffee enthusiasts who try out different blends; I’m a protein-powder fanatic who strives to consume high-quality powders when I need a few extra grams apart from food. When you’re eating low-carb and high-fat on the keto diet, you still need to focus on protein. Protein is an essential [..]

Best Manual Treadmill

Best Manual Treadmills, 2024: Don’t Run Before Reading!

On the surface, a manual treadmill is intimidating. Maybe you’ve only ever seen manual treadmills used in CrossFit gyms or a garage gym, and you’re thinking, “Not for me.” But we’re here to tell you that if you have 99 problems, a manual treadmill could probably solve most, if not all, of them. Hear us out. How does this sound? [..]

Best Quietest Treadmills

Best Quiet Treadmills (2024) – Can A Treadmill Be Silent?

Finding the perfect treadmill for your home can be a massive challenge, especially if noise level is a top concern. Whether you live in an apartment, have a sleeping baby in the room next door (like me), or wake up and run before the sun rises, the quest to find the right treadmill is crucial. Your need for a quiet [..]

Best Treadmill Lubricant

Best Treadmill Lubricants, 2024: Don’t Use The Wrong Lube!

We know the feeling: You’ve gotten into a great routine of using your treadmill and logged many miles. You start your next run and hear a strange squeaking noise from the belt. You think, “Is my treadmill breaking?” Before you think the worst, which is replacing your treadmill, try making sure the belt is properly lubricated. Many treadmills come pre-lubricated, [..]

Best Treadmills Mats

Best Treadmill Mat, 2024 – A Treadmill Owner Must Have

It’s 6 o’clock in the morning, and I’m getting ready for my workout. The very first thing I do to start my session is roll out a mat for whatever activity I will do. I live in an apartment, and I know my neighbors are happier to have the sounds of my exercise dampened. A mat is essential for treadmill [..]

Best Treadmill Running Shoes

Best Treadmill Running Shoes – The Only Gear You Need

While you could hop on your treadmill with any old shoes you have lying around, I don’t recommend it. The quality of your treadmill matters very little if you don’t have a good pair of running shoes on your feet. Fortunately, I know which treadmill running shoes you should consider. I have owned more running shoes than I can count. [..]

Best Treadmills For Heavy People

Best Treadmills For Heavy People, 2024 – Walk & Run Tested

Regardless of your weight, paying attention to a treadmill’s weight limit can be very helpful when buying. A high weight limit of 350-400+ lbs not only means the treadmill can handle a lot of weight, but it usually indicates that it can handle a lot of use and is well-built. This notion is at least true for quality treadmills—the only [..]

Best Treadmills For Seniors

Best Treadmills For Seniors 2024 – For All Fitness Levels

Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is vital in all stages of life, especially as we age. A treadmill is one convenient way to keep up with your health. Treadmills provide numerous benefits for seniors, like maintaining strength, keeping the heart strong and healthy, and improving balance. If you’re a senior with a cardio goal, you’ve come to the right place! [..]

Best Treadmill for Serious Runners

Best Treadmills for Serious Runners 2024 – PR Worthy Runs

Runners are creatures of habit. We roll out of bed at the crack of dawn to go for our run. Others head to local groups in the evening after work. Then there are those ambitious souls who sneak in a few miles at lunchtime. Regardless of your training habits, there’s one vulnerability to them all: the weather. But our best [..]

Best Treadmill For Walking

Best Treadmills For Walking 2024 – Do These Walk The Walk?

Reaching your goal of 10k+ steps per day just got easier. We don’t have to tell you how important, beneficial, and underrated walking can be; you’re here looking for the best treadmill for walking. Congratulations on taking a big step towards better health and a better you. Buying a treadmill is frankly overwhelming, especially when most are exclusively online. That’s [..]

Best Treadmills Under 1000

Best Treadmills Under $1000, 2024 – Run to These Deals

Between everything I spend on running shoes, gym clothes, and my fitness tracker, trying to justify spending a lot on a treadmill gets harder and harder. If you are trying to fill out the rest of your home gym, you might be worried your need for a treadmill will consume your whole budget. Whatever your reason for needing a treadmill [..]

Best Treadmills Under 1500

Best Treadmills Under $1500: Where Quality and Price Meet

Even though our studio has treadmills priced thousands of dollars for me to choose from, I often run on budget-friendly treadmills in my spare time. There are MANY treadmills under $1500 that I enjoy using. I think this price range is the sweet spot where budget and quality meet. We recommend a wide variety of treadmills in this price range. [..]

Best Treadmills Under $2000

Best Treadmills Under $2000, 2024 – Fitness Expert Favorites

One of the most challenging questions for us to answer as fitness experts is, «How much does a good treadmill cost?» In most cases, I think runners and walkers should set a reasonable budget and purchase the best treadmill within their budget limit. That doesn’t always mean buying a treadmill that maximizes your budget, but it could. If your budget [..]

Best Treadmills 2024

Best Treadmills, 2024 – See Our Top Picks

There are tons of treadmills in the TRG studio. Testing all kinds of treadmills is a regular part of our day, but we enjoy some machines more than others. In addition to being fitness experts, we are walkers, runners, and athletes just like you. This list compiles the treadmills that rose to the top in our testing and exercising, so [..]

Best Under Desk Elliptical

Best Under Desk Elliptical – 2024

In a time when “sitting is the new smoking” is used as a shocking phrase to make us feel worse about spending the majority of our days seated, what can we do to combat this? Sure, adding in walking and different fitness activities is the ultimate goal, but what about when those things aren’t always possible? I get it. Even [..]

Best Under Desk Treadmill

Best Under Desk Treadmills 2024 – Top Walking Pads and More!

When you think of activities that will take years off your life, sitting is more than likely not the first activity that jumps to the front of your mind. Staying glued to your office chair all day takes a toll on your body and your mind. But you can’t magically add thousands of steps or a weight training session into [..]

Best Vertical Climbers

Best Vertical Climbers, 2024 – The Pinnacle of Fitness?

Is there such a thing as the perfect cardio machine? Treadmills and exercise bikes do little to engage your arms. Ellipticals take up a lot of space and aren’t always the best at higher speeds. Stair climbers are bulky and do not engage your arms. Rowers require a technique that you might be too intimidated (or busy) to learn. Enter [..]

Best Weighted Vests

Best Weighted Vests, 2024: A Vest For Every Exercise

I didn’t realize how effective and challenging it was to walk around wearing extra weight until I had a baby. Add in getting yelled at if you stop moving, and you’re bound to get into shape quickly. You’ll also be surprisingly sore from simply walking with the extra weight. Although none of the weight vests on our list will yell [..]

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