Squat Assist Row-N-Ride Before and After Results

Squat Assist Row-N-Ride Before and After ResultsWhen people ask about the benefits of using a Row-N-Ride machine, what they really want to know is “How will it make me look and feel?”

Put another way, “What Row-N-Ride results can I expect!?”

We all love seeing the “before and after” style pictures that highlight the progress and transformation we expect to see.

They’re not just motivational—they’re visible evidence that you really can improve through regular hard work and dedicated training.

And that’s exactly what I wanted to do with this post!

Below, I’m going to share with you some of the best Row-N-Ride before and after pictures I’ve found (as well as a few from other Squat Assist machines), and some of the positive reviews that highlight the results that can be obtained by faithfully using the Row-N-Ride machine in your training sessions.

I think that by the time you read all the stories and see how much people have changed, you’ll be ready to dive in and work hard so you, too, can have a successful Sunny Health Squat Assist Before and After photo and story to share!

The Best Row-N-Ride Before and After Evidence

I’ve been researching the Row-N-Ride machine for a few months now, and I’ve been seeing a lot of positive feedback! It’s been amazing for people looking to build lower body strength, strengthen their core, and increase their upper body “pulling power”.

I combed through thousands of product reviews (over 33,000 on Amazon alone!) to find evidence of just what regular training using the Row-N-Ride machine can do, and here are some of the best photos and stories I’ve found.

Row-N-Ride Before and After Results

Please click the links to see the images – as I do not have permission from these individuals to post them 🙂

jm”: This machine has been a body changer! My journey began a year ago and I got the Row n Ride a month ago! These are my result after a month! I’m finally in my 2 piece with confidence!

(no name): I gotta say this work out equipment has helped me tremendously! I have bad knees so squatting was doable, but difficult for me. This helped me not only by being easier on my knees, but by making sure I was doing the proper form needed to get the most out of my squat. Photos are about a month apart, give or take a few days.

(no name): I have been using this product for 10 days, 15 minutes a day, pulsing for 30 seconds every 3 minutes otherwise using a full range of motion. After 4 days I felt confident to start using 1 resistance band during my 15 minute workout. I was able to burn 100 calories in a 15 minute workout. I lost 2 inches on my hips ONLY adjusting my workout routine by using this product. Day 1: black pants. Day 10: gray pants. Noticeable tightening and toning. No weight loss.

bria carter”: In 1 month of use my stomach and back have decreased by more than half, and it did wonders for my butt!

LAB”: I’ve had it for about a month, and my flabby thighs and flat butt are shaping up already! I started on one band and have worked up to two bands. It is hard but I hop on for a few sets here and there throughout the day. They really add up.

AdwaitaS”: I have been working on it 4 days/week for 30 mins. In 4 months I have lost 6 inches on thighs and waist.

Consumer Reporter”: I can see a difference (after a month) in my legs, cellulite, butt, arms and stomach. It won’t give you muscles but it will definitely tone you up…..and drop some pounds in the right places.

donna b.”: I’ve been using it 3-5 times a week for over 2 months now. It’s super sturdy, easy to assemble, and a really good workout. I wanted to make sure it didn’t hurt my knees or shoulders, or anything else before I reviewed – and it doesn’t.

Amy Jacobs”: I’ve had this machine for about a month and have been using it everyday for about 10 minutes. I can already tell a difference in my legs, toning all over and strengthening. I’ve also noticed toning in my glutes as well, with some core strength improvement. Even after a month, I’ve just added the first resistance band and it’s still a challenge.

Wow, those are some pretty positive Row-N-Ride results. Better fitness, firmer muscle tone, reduced cellulite, and increased muscular endurance? Yes, please!

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Before and After Results from Other Similar Squat Assist Machines

The Sunny Row-N-Ride Machine is just one of the Squat Assist machines on the market—albeit one of the top-rated and most effective.

Some of the success stories and before-and-after photos/videos from these other squat assist machines show what kind of results you can get using this workout equipment:

The Wanderful Life of Kayla YouTube Channel posted a video titled, “I tried the DB METHOD for 30 DAYS and I am DISAPPOINTED in the RESULTS | BEFORE and AFTER”, and she shows off photos taken of the differences in her glutes, thighs, and legs:

SEE IT HERE (it’s set to the time mark where the picture shows up)

The DB Method Facebook Page has lots of photos in a special album titled “Before and After”.

On the DB Method website, there are a few “Before and After” photos posted with glowing reviews:

Though these are all posted to the DB Method page, the machine functions identically to the Sunny Fitness Row-N-Ride, so the results are the same for both machines.

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Final Verdict: It Really Works!

I’ve seen the benefits of the Row-N-Ride machine first-hand, and these Row-N-Ride before and after pictures are just proof of its usefulness.

If you’re looking for a new piece of equipment to add to your home gym, I highly recommend this squat assist machine. It’s an effective solution for working out your quads and hamstrings, shaping your glutes, and reducing joint strain when training your lower body.

Check out my full Sunny Health Squat Assist Row-N-Ride review here.

I also have an article breaking down the top 5 benefits of a squat assist row and ride machine here.

I hope you were inspired by these Sunny Row-N-Ride before and after photos, and the stories shared by real-life users who have benefitted from the squat assist machine. If you have any to share—or just want to let us know how your first workouts with the machine are going—feel free to leave them below. We could all use some more motivation, and we’ll all benefit from cheering each other’s results on.

I look forward to reading your comments!

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