The AssaultRunner Elite’s dimensions are 69.9” x 31.7” x 64.4” while the TrueForm Trainer’s dimensions are 64” x 31” x 63”. Thus, the AssaultRunner Elite requires more room lengthwise than the Trainer.
For ceiling height, most runners should be fine with 8-foot ceilings, though 9-foot ceilings may be required for tall runners performing dynamic drills with more vertical oscillation.
As far as moving, both the AssaultRunner Pro and Elite and the Trainer are relatively easy to move.

They have rear handles under the back of the deck to lift and engage the front wheels.

Keep in mind that these treadmills weigh around 300 lbs, so moving them might not be practical for some people.
The TrueForm Runner is the hardest to move due to its heavier weight. However, it can be moved the same way as the others when necessary. With all these models, though, we recommend a designated space in your home for whichever one you buy. We also don’t recommend using them on an upper-level floor because of their size and weight.
Onboard Workouts & Apps
Manual treadmills like the AssaultRunner Elite and the TrueForm Trainer typically do not require a subscription service to access training content. They also have fewer onboard features.
AssaultRunner Elite vs. TrueForm Trainer Console
A beneficial aspect of nonmotorized treadmills is that they don’t require electricity. This way, you don’t have to worry about using them near an outlet. The AssaultRunner Elite and the TrueForm Trainer have battery-powered LCD consoles that display your workout metrics.
Both consoles are simpler than touch screens that often come attached to electric treadmills; they’re both easy to use. Our team prefers the Elite’s console, though. As far as tracking and workout settings, Assault has more to offer. Your time, calories, distance, speed, watts, pace, and heart rate are displayed.
Plus, there are built-in interval programs like Tabata, reverse Tabata, and customizable interval workouts. There are also target programs and heart rate programs to choose from, as well as Bluetooth connectivity to the Assault Fitness App for guided workouts, programs, and challenges.

The AssaultRunner Pro has the same console as the Elite, too.

The TrueForm Trainer’s console could use an upgrade.
It tracks your pace, speed, distance, time, and heart rate and allows you to set time and distance goals to follow. That’s everything offered by the Trainer. The TrueForm Runner has a different LED console but has even less functionality than the Trainer. So, if you’re concerned about metrics and workout options beyond what the Trainer offers, look into an Assault.
Build Quality
As far as construction, AssaultRunners and TrueForms are durable, proven machines. They’re made for home and commercial use and can withstand a lot of running. They are similar in size, with the AssaultRunner Elite a few inches longer. They’re similar in weight, ranging from around 290 to 300 lbs. The Pro is around 280 lbs, and the TrueForm Runner is a beast at 350 lbs.
Manual treadmills can usually handle a lot of weight. We’re pleased the Trainer and Elite can handle up to 400 lbs of user weight.

Either of these treadmills should work for most people.
AssaultRunner Elite vs. TrueForm Trainer Frame
The AssaultRunner Treadmills and the TrueForm Trainer have similar construction. They have steel frames and ball bearings under the belts to move them in a smooth, singular direction. All of these treadmills have plastic surrounding the belts under the side rails.
The plastic doesn’t make them any less durable, but it does make them a little lighter than the TrueForm Runner, which is made entirely of steel. This treadmill has a steel inner and outer frame, so it’s practically indestructible, but it might be a bit of an overkill, especially if you just plan on using it in your home.
AssaultRunner Elite vs. TrueForm Trainer MotorLess
Because these treadmills are manual treadmills, they don’t have motors to power the belts. You don’t have to worry about keeping up with a set pace; instead, you set the pace. The belt moves when you start walking and running on it.
You control the speed of the belt with your feet, and it’s because of this that manual treadmills don’t have maximum speeds. So, a manual treadmill is the way to go if you want to sprint at higher speeds than what motorized treadmills offer (usually 12 mph max).

The AssaultRunner Elite is our preferred treadmill for sprinting.
Another advantage to manual treadmills like TrueForms and Assaults is that they require significantly less maintenance than motorized treadmills. There isn’t a motor to upkeep, and the belt doesn’t require lubricating.
For noise, the AssaultRunner Elite and TrueForm Trainer sound very similar. Instead of hearing the noise of the motor, all you hear is the sounds of the belt moving and your feet hitting the deck. These noises aren’t excessive, but manual treadmills sound different than motorized treadmills. They are by no means silent, so keep that in mind if noise is an issue in your home.
AssaultRunner Elite vs. TrueForm Trainer Deck
Manual treadmills typically have narrower decks than motorized treadmills. Both AssaultRunners and TrueForms have 17″ wide belts to run on. This design helps to keep you in a linear position while running, which is better for your posture and alignment. These treadmills have long decks, giving you plenty of room to run and sprint on, too.
Running on slat belts feels different than running on flat, motorized treadmills. The slats are coated in rubber to provide some shock absorption while running while feeling firm underfoot. These belts are designed to withstand a lot of running.

The TrueForm Trainer’s belt is very durable.
The Assault Treadmills and TrueForm Trainer come with standard rubber slat belts, but the TrueForm Runner is customizable. You can purchase the Runner with artificial turf or a rubberized track to run in your cleats or track spikes. It is the only treadmill that we know of with this kind of customization.
So, the big aspect where you’ll notice a difference between using AssaultRunners and TrueForm Treadmills is when running on their decks. The TrueForm Trainer and Runner have the shallowest curved decks. With this design, these two treadmills have been proven to help promote proper running form. If you have any imbalances in your stride, running on a TrueForm will help.
With our experience running on AssaultRunners, they’re easier to get the belt going than TrueForm Treadmills. You have a little leverage at the front of the belt to get some momentum. Most people, including our team, who hop on Assaults find that their belts are easy to run on.
Some even find them a little harder to slow down because of how easy the belts get going.
There is a learning curve when using any manual treadmill. Since you control the speed of the belt yourself, it is a different experience than when you’re working to keep up with the belt. They usually don’t take too long to get the hang of things, though.

Beginners might find that it’s easier to control the speed on the TrueForm Trainer and Runner because the belts are harder to move and get up to speed.
A notable aspect of TrueForms is that they encourage a mid and forefoot strike. Many runners heel strike, including me, so if you do, you might find that you fatigue faster on TrueForms than other manual treadmills like AssaultRunners. Because of this, we recommend the TrueForm Trainer and Runner to athletes and runners who want to improve their stride.
The AssaultRunner Elite and Pro are better for most people because pretty much anyone can hop on, walk, and run on them. They are also typically preferred by most people for sprinting. So, if you’re looking for a treadmill that you can just hop on and run on, an AssaultRunner might be the better choice.
Both brands offer pretty nice warranties with these treadmills. The AssaultRunners are backed with 5-year frame warranties. The Pro comes with a generous 150,000-mile belt warranty, and the Elite comes with an impressive lifetime belt warranty.
The TrueForm Trainer comes with a 10-year frame warranty, while the Runner comes with a 20-year frame warranty. So, with whichever treadmill you decide to go with, know that the brands back up the build, which helps instill confidence in the durable designs.
Should You Buy The AssaultRunner Elite or TrueForm Trainer
The AssaultRunner Elite and the TrueForm Trainer have a lot of similarities and are both really well-constructed treadmills. On paper, it’s tough to really distinguish which one is best. It really isn’t until you run on both of them that you notice the difference.
Both the AssaultRunner Elite and the AssaultRunner Pro have higher-angled curved decks that are easier to get moving and sprint on. Almost anyone can hop on these treadmills and walk and run.
The TrueForm Trainer and TrueForm Runner, on the other hand, have shallower curved decks that are harder to move and run on. TrueForm Treadmills have been proven to help promote good running mechanics, so if you have imbalances in your stride, a TrueForm will actually help, but this can make them more challenging to run on.
Most runners, in general, heel strike; TrueForm Treadmills encourage landing on the mid part of your feet instead of your heel. So, if you heel strike like me, you might find you fatigue faster on these treadmills. A TrueForm Treadmill is great if you want to improve your form.
However, an AssaultRunner Treadmill might be the better option if you’re just looking to hop on and run. With either brand, though, you’re getting a well-made manual treadmill; it just boils down to what your goals and preferences are.
AssaultRunner Elite vs. TrueForm Trainer Q&A / FAQ
What are the benefits of the AssaultRunner Elite?
The AssaultRunner Elite has a commercial-grade build with a good warranty. It is a manual treadmill that requires no electricity and has no speed limit. It uses a slat belt that is suitable for walking, running, sprinting, and even barefoot training. The curvature of the belt helps runners build speed faster, even though the Elite is still more challenging than a traditional treadmill.
What are the benefits of the TrueForm Trainer and Runner?
The TrueForm Trainer and Runner are manual treadmills with a shallower curve than most. This design encourages a more natural midfoot/forefoot running gait. The Runner can even be customized with a track surface or turf slats for training with track spikes or cleats. They do not require electricity and have no speed limit.
Can you walk on a TrueForm Trainer?
Yes, you can walk on the TrueForm Trainer. The shallow curve of the TrueForm Trainer makes it one of the best treadmills of its class for walking alone. However, some walkers may find a treadmill like this overkill for only walking.
Is the AssaultRunner good for walking?
The steep curvature of the AssaultRunner makes it feel awkward to walk on, but you get used to it over time. While we don’t recommend it for exercisers who only plan on walking, there is nothing wrong with using it for a walking-only routine or walking intervals.