Personal Trainer Marketing Plan With Examples & PDF Templates

Writing a marketing plan for your personal training business can help you generate leads, sales, and income consistently. Many trainers experience a ‘feast and famine’ cycle, where they have lots of clients one month and suddenly just a few the next. But just having a simple plan can help you avoid this and enjoy predictable revenue all year round.

In this article – learn how to write your own personal trainer marketing plan by following our simple steps (with examples and templates).

A marketing plan can sound a bit formal and complicated to some people. If you don’t have a background in business (which most PTs don’t) then the idea of writing one might feel a bit daunting. But in reality it’s actually quite easy when you know how… 

Writing marketing plans is something we do regularly for our clients, so over the years we’ve created lots of them. The approach we share here can be used for lots of different fitness businesses, from gym clubs to yoga studios, so you’ll find this useful whatever your set up. 

Fitness Business Templates

What to Include in a PT Marketing Plan

A personal trainer marketing plan should include five basic elements…

  1. Overall goal
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Tactics
  5. Measurements

We recommend outlining all five elements on one page so that you can see everything in one place. It doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective and if you’re creating it as part of a wider PT business plan, then it’s good to keep this concise. It’s often the process of coming up with the marketing ideas that is more important than the piece of paper itself.

Here’s an example personal trainer marketing plan template…

Personal Trainer Marketing Plan Example

You can download this template as part of our Fitness Business Bundle or create your own version. Let’s look at each of the five elements that your plan should contain…

#1 – Goal

This is the number one thing you want to achieve. For most personal trainers, this will either be related to financial income or the number of people you help. Once you’ve settled on your big overarching goal, insert that along the top. 

#2 – Objectives

Now think about how you’ll achieve this goal. Can you break it down into smaller parts? For example, if your goal is to make more money as a PT, then you could…

  • Charge more for your services (increase pricing)
  • Get more clients
  • Sell additional products or services to current clients (like nutritional programs or supplements)

Examples of marketing objectives for a personal trainer could include attracting 5 new clients per month or raising prices by 10%.

Fitness Marketing Plans

#3 – Strategies

So, how will you meet these objectives? By outlining some simple marketing strategies that break down exactly what you’ll do.

For example, if your marketing objective is to position yourself as a premium trainer and command higher prices, then you could…

  • Identify and research a target market with high disposable income
  • Build your authority and credibility on a specialist area of fitness training
  • Develop premium branding for your business
  • Increase your hourly rate by 20%

Strategies should be high-level so will focus on things like your target market, branding, and increasing leads, sales, and loyalty.

Fitness Marketing Ideas Ebook

#4 – Tactics

Tactics is where you can go into detail about how you’ll execute your marketing strategies. This is often the part that comes most easily to PTs since it’s all about ‘doing’. 

It can be helpful to consider the marketing mix for personal trainers when coming up with your tactics. So, think about…

  • Product or service
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • Price

What methods can you use to communicate with your potential clients? Will you focus on digital marketing and online channels, or in-person events and printed materials? Define what your outputs will be (e.g. website, podcast interviews, business cards, leaflets) and messaging channels (social media, Google ads, email).

#5 – Measurement

The final part of your marketing plan involves defining how you’ll measure each activity. How will you know if your promotional efforts are generating results? Or which ones are most effective?

Think back to your objectives and make sure you measure against them. Although clicks, reach, and attendee numbers are interesting, if they don’t reflect your objective then they aren’t relevant. 

So, if your goal is to sign up 10 new PT clients, then the measure of success should focus on the number of leads you generated and how many converted into customers. 

Personal Trainer Marketing Plan PDF Template

By following these steps, it’s easy to create a marketing plan for your PT business that’ll help you achieve your goals. Summarising your goal, objectives, strategies, tactics, and measurements on one page makes it easy to refer to and use often. This will help keep your marketing activities on track and focused on delivering for your business. 

To help guide you, we created a downloadable personal trainer marketing plan PDF template. It includes a sample plan for a PT business along with examples for gym studios, fitness bloggers, and equipment companies too.

Download it as part of our Fitness Business Templates Bundle which includes sales scripts, professionally designed promotional materials, and time-saving cheat sheets. 

PT Business Templates & More

Our ready-made templates make it quicker, cheaper, and easier to promote your personal training business. They can improve the effectiveness of your sales and marketing campaigns. If you aren’t an experienced marketer, then templates also provide a useful guide for you to follow.

Fitness Business Templates

Whether you’re a newly qualified personal trainer or experienced PT studio owner, these templates will save you time and effort. They’ll help you to plan and organize your promotional activities so that you generate more revenue. You’ll get 40+ templates covering sales, marketing, and business start-up resources.

Personal Trainer Marketing Plan PDF Template Pinterest

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