ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills 2023

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Last Updated: November 10, 2023

ProForm and Horizon are two popular home treadmill brands. Each offers a solid lineup of compact, folding treadmills primarily for walking to large, folding treadmills for running. Compared to other popular brands like NordicTrack, ProForm and Horizon’s models are a little more budget-friendly. In this comparison, I’ll go over what you can expect from these two brands. For a brief overview though, you can expect integrated tech and subscription training content on most of ProForm’s treadmills vs LCD consoles and the option to stream content from your own device on Horizon’s. Of course, there are also a lot of other differences and factors that you should consider so let’s get into ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills.

ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills 2023

ProForm and Horizon Treadmills have similar functionality and we like that each brand offers a range of treadmills to choose from.

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When it comes to treadmills we’ve reviewed, a large chunk of those have been from these two brands. We’ve tested almost all of ProForm’s Treadmills and Horizon’s Treadmills so we know what each brand has to offer and how the treadmills perform. Our team has been testing and compiling reviews of treadmills for years so we know more than most, too. In order to compare these two treadmill brands we’ve relied heavily on our extensive experience testing treadmills as well as our experience using specific models from each brand.

Pros & Cons of ProForm Treadmills

ProForm Pro

  • All of the models offer streaming or connectivity to iFit for guided workouts led by instructors with a subscription.
  • With iFit, the treadmills automatically adjust the speed and incline levels.
  • Some models incline and decline for more ways to vary your training.
  • You have the choice between a very compact walking treadmill that folds flat, to ones that have large attached touch screens and are great for running.

ProForm Cons

  • Some models aren’t best for heavy use or intense training.
  • A subscription to iFit is required to get full access to the library of classes and iFit features.

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Pros & Cons of Horizon Treadmills

Horizon Pros

  • The motors are quick to adjust the speed and incline making them great for HIIT training.
  • The simple LCD consoles include onboard workouts and the option to stream content from your own device.
  • All of the models offer an incline range to vary your training.
  • The roller adjustment knobs and quick-adjusting buttons make them simple to use.

Horizon Cons

  • Subscription training content isn’t available to stream from the consoles.
  • The motor sizes vary so some treadmills are more powerful than others.

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ProForm Treadmills Overview:Horizon Treadmills Overview:

  • Consoles: LCD Screens – Touchscreens
  • Motors: 1.6 HP – 3.6 HP
  • Frames: Steel
  • Running Surfaces: 45” L – 60” L
  • Max Speeds: 8 mph – 12 mph
  • Max Inclines: 10% – 12%
  • Max Declines: 0% – 3%
  • Weight Capacities: 250 lbs – 300 lbs
  • Treadmill Weights: 125 lbs – 263 lbs
  • Foldable
  • Transportation Wheels
  • Warranties: 10-year frame, parts & labor vary between 1-2 years
  • Consoles: LCD Screens & LED Windows
  • Motors: 2.5 HP – 4.0 HP
  • Frames: Steel
  • Running Surfaces: 55” L – 60” L
  • Max Speeds: 10 mph – 12 mph
  • Max Inclines: 10% – 15%
  • No Decline
  • Weight Capacities: 300 lbs – 375 lbs
  • Treadmill Weights: 180 lbs – 330 lbs
  • Foldable
  • Transportation Wheels
  • Warranties: Lifetime frame & motor, parts & labor vary between 1-5 years

ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills Overview:

Both brands have a wide selection of treadmills to choose from that vary in price. As far as price overall, ProForm and Horizon have a little bit more affordable treadmills than other popular brands. Both also have folding treadmills.

ProForm offers tech-enhanced treadmills. iFit is the training subscription platform that is compatible with ProForm’s machines and it is available to stream with a monthly fee on most of this brand’s treadmills touch screens. The models that have LCD consoles are compatible with iFit using your device. As far as construction and training, most of ProForm’s treadmills have an incline, while higher-end models incline and decline. The lowest-end model on the other hand doesn’t incline, but it folds flat for better storage and for use in more home spaces.

Horizon’s treadmills have quick-adjusting motors that make them perfect for interval training. They also include roller adjustments that make HIIT workouts a breeze. This brand doesn’t include as many tech features as ProForm, but the LCD consoles include onboard workout programs and the ability to stream whatever content you like from your device. All of the models have decks that fold up, although they vary in size, weight, and capabilities depending on the model. The entry-level model is best for walking and jogging, while the premium model is made for high-intensity training.

ProForm Treadmills

Horizon Treadmills

In-Depth Comparison of ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills

ProForm vs Horizon Content

The content offered is where these two brands differ the most. ProForm includes more tech features, while Horizon encourages using your own phone or tablet for streaming purposes.

ProForm Content

ProForm offers streaming from iFit with a subscription. iFit is a complete training platform that offers indoor and outdoor trainer-led classes. The treadmill workouts feature walking, jogging, intervals, hiking, and running workouts. You can also take iFit classes on other compatible equipment like ProForm’s ellipticals and exercise bikes. There are mat classes for yoga and strength training, too. All of iFit’s classes are on-demand to take any time.

ProForm Carbon T10 Treadmill  iFit Class

We love the outdoor content that iFit offers, they’re filmed on every continent.

You can also utilize the Google Map feature in iFit to create your own workouts while being able to explore real-life locations on your own. iFit does cost a monthly fee to use on ProForm’s treadmills. ProForm also has the ProForm+ Program which allows you to get their participating treadmill for free when you purchase a 3-year subscription to iFit. We recommend looking into iFit if you want some guidance while using your treadmill. You can use all of ProForm’s treadmills without a subscription to iFit. There is a free version where you get access to onboard workout programs and a free trainer-led iFit video.

Horizon Content

Horizon’s treadmills don’t offer the ability to stream workout videos directly from the consoles. The included workout options instead are onboard workout programs. These are pretty standard and comparable to treadmills you’d find at your local gym. The treadmills all have workout programs like hill climb, intervals, fat burn, distance, calorie, and manual mode.

Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill Console

Higher-end models in Horizon’s Studio Series of treadmills have a 5k, custom workout settings, and even the HIIT training program Sprint 8 built into the consoles.

You can also use your device on each of Horizon’s treadmills. There is a rack for your phone or tablet to stream whatever content you want. Some of Horizon’s treadmills pair with apps like Peloton and Zwift if you want to use a training app with your treadmill.

ProForm Vs. Horizon Consoles

As far as their consoles, ProForms are a little bit more streamlined than Horizon’s. ProForm includes treadmills with touchscreens as well as some options with just LCD screens. All of Horizon’s treadmills come with LCD screens.

ProForm Consoles

ProForm Pro 9000 Treadmill Touchscreen Console

At ProForm, you have the choice between 22”-7” touch screens on some of the models and basic LCD screens on others.

The touchscreens are non-adjustable and offer streaming from iFit directly from the screen. The treadmills with LCD consoles provide the ability to stream iFit, or other content, by using your device on the device racks. All of the consoles have numbered adjustment buttons to quickly adjust each treadmill to specific speeds and incline settings (if available on the model).

Most of the models, excluding the compact ProForm City L6, have built-in fans, speakers, and cupholders for your water or whatever small item you need nearby.

Horizon Consoles

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill Console Front

Horizon’s treadmill consoles vary a little bit from LED windows to different-sized LCD screens.

As far as functionality though, they all have adjustment buttons on the console to select the different workout programs and to adjust the speed and incline. There are numbered adjustment buttons to make quick speed and incline adjustments. I prefer the layout of these on Horizon treadmills versus ProForm because it’s a bit more intuitive to use. They function the same on all of ProForm’s and Horizon’s treadmills though.

Horizon’s treadmills come with roller adjustment buttons that you turn to adjust the treadmills quickly, too. All of this brand’s models include pulse grips, speakers, fans, and device racks as I mentioned. Some of the speakers and fans on Horizon’s treadmills aren’t as powerful as ProForm’s, however, you can pair your device to the speakers to play your own content through them.

Construction Quality & Durability

As far as construction, both brands make really quality, well-priced treadmills. They offer a range in size and price when it comes to their lineups.

ProForm vs Horizon Frames

All of ProForm’s and Horizon’s treadmills feature steel frames that have two steel uprights that extend up from the frame to hold the consoles. Most of ProForm’s treadmills feature a steel frame with a folding deck. The exception is the City L6 which has a collapsible console that allows the treadmill to fold flat. This treadmill also has a lower weight limit of 250 lbs than all of ProForm’s other treadmills which handle up to 300 lbs.

Horizon, on the other hand, has all models with decks that fold up. Each model varies in size and weight limit. The weight limits range from 300 lbs up to 375 lbs, depending on the model. The higher-end Horizon 7.4 AT and 7.8 AT treadmills also have additional steel crossbars mounted in between the uprights below the console to add even more support and stability. These treadmills are also heavier in weight at over 300 lbs each, compared to the higher-end ProForm Pro 9000 and 2000 models that are lighter in weight. The premium models from ProForm are just as solid to use as the premium Horizon models though.

ProForm vs Horizon Motors

Just as the size and construction vary on each of these brands’ treadmill lineups, so do the motor sizes, training options, and use capabilities.

Proform Pro 2000 User Running

ProForm’s motors range pretty greatly in size from 1.6 HP to 3.6 HP from the lowest-end to high-end models.

The ProForm City L6 has a 1.6 HP motor that is best for mainly walking. It can handle some light jogging, but the size of the motor and size of the treadmill itself makes it best for walking. It also has the lowest maximum speed at 8 mph and no incline. The premium Pro 9000 has a 3.6 HP that’s great for walking, jogging, and running. Not only is this treadmill built for those activities, but it also offers a max speed of 12 mph, an incline of 12%, and a decline of -3%. The midrange ProForm Carbon Series Treadmills are best for lighter to moderate walking and jogging, and some running.

ProForm Carbon T7 Treadmill  Sydney

The Carbon Treadmills don’t offer a decline option, but they incline from 10% to 12%, depending on the model.

None of Horizon’s treadmills decline. The motors range in size from 2.5 to 4.0 HP, depending on the model. The entry-level Horizon T101 has the smallest motor at 2.5 HP. It’s best for walking and jogging, although some can run on it, too. All of Horizon’s other models can handle more running, with the Horizon 7.8 AT and 7.4 AT models handling heavier running with their 3.5 to 4.0 HP motors.

All Horizon Treadmills, besides the T101, go up to 12 mph. The T101 caps out at 10 mph.

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill Incline Matt

The decks incline from 10% up to 15% depending on the model, too.

ProForm vs Horizon Treadmill Decks

ProForm carries are mixture of treadmills when it comes to deck sizes, too. Some models accommodate all stride lengths with a 20” wide and 60” long deck from walking to running. These include the ProForm Pro 2000, 9000, and Carbon TLX models. The Carbon T7 has a 20” x 55” deck that is best for walking and jogging for most. Users with shorter running strides can run on the deck, too. The most compact treadmill, the City L6, has a 17.5” wide and 45” long deck that is best for walking. Some people with shorter strides can lightly jog, too. The City L6 is the smallest so it’s the best option for those who are tight on space, however, we appreciate that every model from ProForm has a more compact design compared to other treadmills in their class.

Horizon Treadmills vary less in deck size. Almost all of the models have 60” long decks that we have found in our testing to be the length that can support all running stride lengths. The Horizon T101 is the only model with a 20” wide and 55” long deck. This deck is good for walking and jogging. Those with shorter strides should be able to run on it, too. The other treadmills in the Go Series such as the Horizon T202 and T303 have 20” wide and 60” long decks so they are accommodating for most people and a little more space-saving than some of Horizon’s higher-end models. The Horizon 7.0 AT also has a 20” wide and 60” long deck.

The 7.4 AT and 7.8 AT treadmills have the largest deck size that we see on folding treadmills. The decks are 22” wide and 60” long, so these are the best options if you want the most amount of room to move on a folding treadmill.

ProForm and Horizon Treadmills have similar step-up heights at around 9-10”. The ProForm City L6 has the lowest step-up height since the deck sits pretty much on the floor.

Performance & Functionality

As far as performance, ProForm, and Horizon offer very similar performing treadmills. They’re all pretty quiet, although Horizon Treadmills are a bit quieter overall. Horizon Treadmills also have faster-adjusting motors. It takes less time for the motor to adjust from different speeds and incline settings than ProForm Treadmills.

Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill User Running

What’s really impressive about Horizon is that the lowest-end model still adjusts at a similar rate as the highest-end model.

It is because of this that we recommend Horizon Treadmills if you’re looking to do a lot of interval training on a treadmill. The quiet, quick-adjusting motors pair well with the roller adjustment knobs for convenient HIIT training. ProForm Treadmills on the other hand are best if you want integrated training and tech features. iFit comes optional on all of the models to include thoughtful training options that are great if you want guidance while using a treadmill. ProForm also includes more space-saving options, if you need a compact treadmill.

ProForm Pro 9000 Treadmill User Walking

The ProForm Treadmills that offer a decline range really make for versatile training options, too.

As far as cushioning, Horizon and ProForm have pretty well-cushioned decks. The cushioning is the amount of give in the deck as each foot lands. Both brands of treadmills feel fairly firm underfoot while still offering shock absorption to help lessen the impact on your joints, without feeling bouncy. As far as other brands, these two are in the middle when it comes to cushioning. Sole and Bowflex Treadmills have some of the firmest, while NordicTrack has some of the softest cushioning underfoot.

As I mentioned, all of the models I’ve discussed from both brands fold. They also all have 2 transportation wheels. All of Horizon’s Treadmills and all of ProForm’s, minus the City L6, require you to tip back the treadmills when they’re folded to engage the wheels to move them. As a whole, ProForm’s Treadmills are a bit easier to move, especially when comparing the premium models from ProForm to Horizon’s.


Horizon includes better warranties with its treadmills. Each model comes with a lifetime frame and motor warranty. The parts and labor warranties vary from 1-5 years depending on the model. ProForm includes their standard 10-year frame warranty and parts and labor vary between 1-2 years depending on the model you buy.

Bottom Line/Recommendation: Horizon vs ProForm Treadmills

When it comes to ProForm vs Horizon Treadmills, these brands offer folding treadmills that are a little lower in price than other popular brands. Just because they’re lower in price though, doesn’t mean either brand lacks in quality. In fact, models from ProForm and Horizon are on our best treadmills list and we recommend these treadmill manufacturers to most people. When it comes to how they differ, ProForm Treadmills have more integrated tech with the ability to stream content from iFit with a subscription. Many ProForm Treadmills have touchscreens for streaming the trainer-led workouts on iFit, while others have LCD screens. ProForm offers a premium model for high-intensity running workouts, some midrange walking and jogging treadmills, and a really compact treadmill that folds flat and is best for mainly walking.

Horizon’s treadmills are a bit quieter in comparison and they have quick-adjusting motors so we love them for interval training. They all have decks that fold up and simple LCD consoles with on-board workout programs as well as the ability to stream your own content from your device. They vary a bit in size, motor, and training capacities, like ProForm’s Treadmills. The higher-end models are larger, heavier, and harder to move, but great for long-distance running, while the other models are best for lighter amounts of jogging and running. With either brand of treadmill you decide, you’re getting a well-built design and the ability to choose a treadmill that aligns best with your home and training goals.

Related Treadmill Comparisons:

  • ProForm vs NordicTrack Treadmills
  • Sole Vs Horizon Treadmills
  • Horizon vs NordicTrack Treadmills

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