5 Best Fitness Instagram Accounts Voted By The Exercise Industry

Looking for the best fitness Instagram accounts to inspire your workouts? We asked our community of personal trainers, gym owners, and creators to nominate the top fitness Instagrams in the industry. Because rather than listing the most famous fitness influencers with the biggest followings, we wanted to highlight the best quality IGs that other pros look up to.

In this article – we share 5 of the best fitness accounts on Instagram according to health and exercise professionals (plus lessons you can learn from their content approach).

We’re a specialist fitness marketing agency with 15+ years of industry experience, so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve helped gyms, fitness studios, and personal trainers to successfully promote their businesses, so our social media strategies are tried and tested.

While some of the exercise accounts have substantial followings, others are smaller up-and-coming fitness IGs. Their posts and content can inspire your own workout routine or give you social media ideas for your own fitness profile. 

Best Fitness Instagram Accounts 2024

In no particular order, here are the top fitness Instagram accounts around right now…

  • @learn_calisthenics
  • @whealth
  • @pilatesandtara
  • @docjenfit
  • @michalynnrivas

Here’s why our community of fitness industry professionals rate them so highly (along with tips on replicating their social media success)…

5 Best Fitness Accounts on Instagram

Learn Calisthenics

Learn Calisthenics (@learn_calisthenics) is the best fitness Instagram for learning balances, training techniques, and movement sequences. If you want to become stronger, leaner, and more mobile, then this is the account to follow.

They share lots of exercises, stretches, and drills that can help you master calisthenics movements. As an account aimed at newbies, they do a great job of breaking down movement progressions. Their content immediately shows you how it’s possible to go from zero upper body strength to mastering handstands and other arm balances.

Top tip – helping people envision their progress is a great way to motivate them to take action and believe they can achieve their fitness goals.

Social Media Content Bundle – 400+ Fitness Posts


Whealth (@whealth) is a brilliant Instagram account for people who struggle with exercise due to pain or injury. Their posts and reels are educational, insightful, and will make you chuckle too!

The break down simple movements and progressions for people with common issues such as shoulder pinches, disc bulges, or knee. It’s an ideal Instagram account for personal trainers to follow so they’re armed with lots of exercise variations for different client needs.

They take a genius approach of PAINTING the muscle groups, tendons and ligaments onto their skin for demonstrations. This makes it easy to imagine what’s going on inside the body when it’s moving. It’s a clever visual trick that helps viewers understand the info and is also eye-catching when people are scrolling the feed.

Top tip – find a unique angle that sets you apart from the Insta fitness crowd, such as your niche, the way you explain things, or your visuals.

You might also find these social media resources useful…

Pilates & Tara

Pilates and Tara (@pilatesandtara) is a fitness Instagram that represents their studio and online classes. It’s a London-based business with incredible accomplishments like winning ‘most empowering’ studio and ‘best strength training’ awards.

Pilates Tara Instagram Profile

Their fitness Instagram account features Barre, Pilates, dance, and strength workouts. The varied content has a broad appeal and does a great job of making exercise accessible to a wide audience. There’s a strong community vibe and they regularly showcase the amazing fun they’re having in their group classes!

Top tip – encourage social media engagement by featuring your clients and members on your account alongside your own fitness content.

Build an Engaged Fitness Following [Masterclass]

Dr Jen Fraboni

Dr Jen Fraboni (@docjenfit) is a physical therapist and co-hosts the Optimal Body podcast. Her Instagram account is packed with useful reels and posts on mobility, exercise techniques, and rehab tips.

She breaks down complex anatomical expertise into easily understandable explanations. Her content is super-actionable too.

For example, her video on correct squat technique demonstrates a common mistake that places strain on the lower back and how to avoid it. She talks through exactly what’s happening to the muscles and joints, so viewers understand why it’s causing strain, along with what to do instead.

Top Tip – The best fitness Instagram accounts explain the ‘why’ behind a training technique or recommendation which gets more buy-in from viewers and educates them too.

instagram logo

Micha Rivas

Micha Rivas (@michalynnrivas) is a certified personal trainer and model, who shares empowering fitness content on her Instagram. There’s a combination of exercise tips, inspirational posts, and good old-fashioned gym selfies.

Her fitness account champions different body types and workout goals. So whether you’re looking to build muscle, train for curves, or lose weight, you’ll find content for your needs.

Micha Rivas Fitness Instagram Profile

Micha also offers accessibly priced 4-week fitness programs like her glute-builder and strength products. Unlike most fitness influencers whose online programs cost hundreds of dollars, you can sign up for less than $40!

Top tip – pick a specific target audience and create content designed to help them by addressing their concerns, needs, and limiting beliefs.

Social Media Engagement Guide Contents

Social Media Engagement Guide

A downloadable guide to boosting social media engagement for health and fitness businesses.

So, there you have five of the best fitness Instagram accounts as voted for by our community of exercise professionals! Big thanks to everyone who nominated IGs and shared why they find the content so valuable.

We hope this list helps you discover new fitness accounts to follow and social media ideas you can try for yourself. You might also like our list of the top gym Instagrams too! If you’d like help with your content creation or want to improve your Instagram marketing, then check out our other resources…

Ready-Made Fitness Instagram Content

Harness the power of social media to drive leads, boost engagement, and increase customer loyalty. Our Social Media Content Bundles help health and fitness businesses to address their most pressing marketing needs – content, engagement, and lead generation.

  • 400+ fitness-themed social media posts – including inspirational quotes, funny fitness content, interactive engagement ideas, educational posts, and trending awareness days.
  • Editable templates – that make it easy to adapt the designs to suit your brand by changing colors and fonts.
  • Templates & calendars – to help you put your plan on paper and align content with your business objectives (as well as high-profile health and fitness awareness days).
  • 14-day money-back guarantee – with no quibbles or questions.

Social Media Content Bundle – 400+ Fitness Posts

Best Fitness Instagram Accounts Pinterest

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